Sunday, October 30, 2011

Shady Characters...

There had been word that there would be a gathering of things not quite right ..

So Bat Woman and a Security Guard showed up to investigate these murmurings.

But everyone appeared normal.... Or did they?

Wilma and Waldo

Quail Man and an Indian

Tom Cruise from Risky Business

Quail Man, Waldo, Stefon, and the Hulk.. wait.. Avatar... wait.. a guy from Arrested Development

Human Gumball Machine

80's Girl and a Ghost

Princess Kate Middleton and Prince William


Anne Boleyn post head removal (and reattachment)

So Bat Woman and the Guard decided to go under cover.... perhaps they would discover more.. Something tangible, something they could go off of..

 First break in the case! Some intel from Prince Kate!

And that's when they noticed it...

Bat Woman to the rescue!!

Thank goodness! Just in time! Wilma was able to be SAVED!

Happy Halloween!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Web Video Wednesday! Synchronized Halloween Lights!

If you thought that you had to wait another month for synchronized Christmas lights, never fear! This house in California has brought not only synchronized lights, but actual singing pumpkins... atleast that's what I think they are.

I was QUITE impressed with the amount of time, talent, and skill needed to put up all the lights, synchronize them to the music - and then figure out how to make the "mouths" move to the voices in the song. This is actually very difficult.. and I am not even talking about the lighting aspect of this.

How do I know it's difficult?  The mupeteer/voice for Elmo was on The View Monday and attempted to teach the audience (including me) how to move a muppet mouth to actual words. Yes, there I was with my hand raised like Mr. Elmo Man had instructed, and the number seven got me every.single.time.

Mr. Elmo Man had said that Jim Henson told him that the voices came out of the back of the mouth (duh, right?) But! it actually helps when you are opening and closing a "mouth" ... forcing you to focus less on moving your hand like you are "picking something up" - which is what people innately do.

Budding muppeteer? Perhaps. (This is what happens when I am on a "stay-cation"! haha.)

Enjoy the video!

If you are reading this blog through an email or google reader and would like to watch the video, please visit

Monday, October 24, 2011

Getting good use out of the DVR...

Yes, I will admit we watch a little bit tv... With that said, we might not watch it every night, as we love to go on walks with the pups, hang out with friends, I study, working out, Justin does house projects, I read and blog, and oh - did I mention - study?

We do, however, have shows that record every night. Perfect for the night we just want to relax, or a rainy day. Using our DVR spoils us, however, as when ever we are watching something in "real time," we can't forward through the commercials.

So what is on our DVR (tv recording device)?  (No judging please.)
I will break it up by day, because there are quite a few... 


Once Upon a Time - Both of Us
  • Honestly, we have only watched this show once (just premiered yesterday). But, it was intriguing - so we will give it another shot.

Sister Wives - Me
  • One man, four wives... kinda weird - but its one of those shows that you can't stop watching.

Desperate Housewives - Me
  • Been watching this show since it premiered in 2004. Last season and probably the best one yet!

Source: None via Julie on Pinterest

Boardwalk Empire - The Hubby
  • A show about the prohibition era... no humor... kinda violent... not my cup of tea...

Source: via Andrea on Pinterest

Walking Dead - Both of Us
  • Post zombie apocalypse. Not a big fan of the zombies, but its interesting to think what I would do if in a similar experience. 

Source: None via Nancy on Pinterest


How I Met Your Mother - Both of Us
  • Just started watching it this season and it is HI-larious!! With Bob Saget narrating as Ted Mosby - talking to his kids about how he met their mother, watchers are always wondering if the girl Ted  is with (top left) is the girl. Oh and his friends are great too!

Source: None via Kim on Pinterest

Terra Nova - Both of Us
  • New this year... Jurassic Park-ish - so many different elements swirling at once - people getting used to their new era on Earth, six-ers, viruses and bacteria that are new, a LOST element in the background, oh and dinosaurs.

Source: via AC on Pinterest


Glee - Both of Us
  • I love this show. I wish I could sing and dance too....

Source: None via Jaime on Pinterest

New Girl - Both of Us
  • So funny! Finally a sitcom with a girl comedian that I absolutely adore. She is awkwardly funny!

Source: via Kelsey on Pinterest

Raising Hope - Both of Us
  • A comedy of a family without much money... or brains... navigating hilarious situations

Source: via Jodie on Pinterest


Modern Family - Both of Us
  • Another comedy, and by far my favorite. A blended family with characters everyone can relate with.

Source: None via Denora on Pinterest

Suburgatory - Both of Us
  • The suburbs aren't for everyone... 

Source: via Jill on Pinterest


Community - Both of Us (It is never recorded, because we are already recording two at this time slot.) I wonder how long some people can stay in community college!

Source: None via Max on Pinterest

Big Bang Theory - Both of Us
  • Oh Sheldon! (My favorite character) A comedy where physicists sit on the writing board, - ONE OF A KIND! 

Source: None via Catherine on Pinterest

The Vampire Diaries - Me (But the hubby watches this too)
  • I know, I know, its about vampires... I do have to admit that the writing is great. Every episode feels like a season finale!

Source: None via Kristy on Pinterest

The Office - The Hubby
  • Its been on for quite a while now, but without Steve Carell, I just can't get into it.

Source: None via Kelly on Pinterest

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - The Hubby
  • Despise this show. Makes me super uncomfortable and feeling bad for most of the characters!

Source: None via Brittney on Pinterest


Fringe - Both of Us
  • Lost may be over, but this show sure fit the empty hole in my heart! Supernatural NCIS, multiple universes, and a guy who may or may not exist... love it!

Source: None via Angella on Pinterest


Saturday Night Live - Both of Us
  •  People say that the new years don't compare to the classics. Well all I have to say is, they haven't given the new years a chance. The people that are on this show now are the future Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell...

Source: None via Yvette on Pinterest

What are some shows that you look forward to or on your DVR?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

One Week Ago...

... my sister went into labor.

Around 16 hours later, my new nephew, Grayson Hunter, was born.
5:02 MT, 7lbs 7.5ozs

  Congrats Kim and John on your new little one - can't wait to watch him grow and learn!!
“You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'll be using the cross walk next time..

Have you ever had one of those days where your day wasn’t going so well, and then something comes along and becomes the icing on the very yucky cake?

Whelp, my newly developed cold/sinus infection/RSV was already going to potentially cause me to miss the first week of my new nephew’s life and his mommy’s birthday.

Don’t you just love when you can’t breathe out of your face?

Love it.

Anywho, I was standing alongside a busy street. I needed to cross it to get to my parking garage. Was I standing at the assigned cross walk for the parking garage? No. That was way up the street. My car wasn’t parked on that side of the parking garage – it was parked near where I wanted to cross.

Well, the traffic had died down for a second, and I decided to high tail it across the street huffing and puffing all 20 feet of it. Feeling a sense of accomplishment I realized my coat wasn’t zipped. October had decided to make it’s presence a few days earlier, and it was a bit chilly outside.

As I reached for my zipper, that is when I noticed it.

My badge and all of my other “badge buddies” were no longer connected to my UK badge holder.
I spun around on my heels fearing the worst.

My 3 ID badges, my important phone numbers list, and numerous other things were littered across this busy road that I had just run across. Oh and it appeared that the drivers were trying to make sure that they ran over every.piece.

And that is where I stood, for approximately 10 minutes trying to decide whether to risk my life to gather them or just to call it a day. I probably looked quite pitiful. I was on the verge of tears, regretting the fact that I didn’t just use the cross walk.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed the group of people that were gathering on the other side of the street. They caught my attention when one of the eight pointed at all the badge paraphernalia, but I couldn’t hear them over the roaring engines of speeds toping 15 miles per hour. With a slight pause in traffic, all of them scurried to the middle of the road and picked up the quite ran over items.


These wonderful people could have easily ignored my plight. I would like to have believed that I would do the same thing, but it was dusk and there were a lot of cars on the road.

I thanked them all profusely.

 “My badge always comes apart at the most inopportune times too,” said the organizer of the rescue mission.  

It is moments like these that I am grateful for the city I live it, the country I live in.

It was just last week when I child – A CHILD – was run over in China twice, and ignored for over ten minutes by 18 people before someone stepped in to pull her to safety. She passed away yesterday, due to her injuries. 

It was just a few badges. It would have been a headache to replace, but it could have been done.

Thank you bystanders.

… And now to pay it forward…

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Still Chipping Away at the 25x25...

Never fear!

I have not abandoned my 25x25 list. Still have three more months and several more things to do!

One of my challenges "Try 25 different drinks (alcoholic/non-alcoholic)" have kept me busy.

Most recently, I have tried this... the Green Drink

Look appealing?

Yeah, I didn't think so... but surprisingly - this wickedly green drink tastes a lot like bananas... and not a lot like everything else that's in it. Want to drink something super healthy? This should be at the top of your list!

Shared by a friend... I think I am going to try to make this soon!
(Cross my fingers that it works out all right!!)

Need the recipe?

  • 3 kale leaves
  • 1 handful of baby spinach
  • 1 handful of or red
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • 2 Cups water
  • 1 Cup (or more if you want) of any frozen fruit (you can also use any fleshy fruit like an orange or peach..) If you use berries, it will turn it brown...just a warning.
  • ¼ cup ground flaxseed
  • 2 bananas
  • Put it all in a blender and blend till smooth…. I usually add some ice cubes in the blender to make it really cold.  And then I keep it in the fridge for a day or 2

TaDa! Green Drink!

Monday, October 3, 2011


I know I have said this before...

I love nature.

I really do.

Sometimes though, I don't understand why certain... very scary, very creepy, creatures of the ground exist.

Take for instance... Mister Praying Mantis... I will call him PM.

PM was guarding my house today. If you heard a scream around 3:20 CDT, it was me. We would have been perfectly fine if he hadn't gotten on to his haunches and turn his head like a human

Have you ever seen a Praying Mantis whip its head around?

Well it is darn right creepy. I screamed a few more times.

I realized that I had seen PM before and now I strongly believe he's been following me. Perhaps he has an agenda...


It gives me the heebie jeebies just looking at him. *shutters*

I tried to take some video evidence of the head whipping, but of course he wouldn't show off when I was recording. All 4 feet* of him, I am worried he might give up stalking and try eating next time!!!

Hope you are PM free!!!

*four feet actually means three inches, but that doesn't mean he was any less scary*