Wednesday, October 27, 2010

“Harry Potter’s Most Dedicated Fan”

With my recent blog posts, you must think that I am one of the bigger fans of the Harry Potterverse.

I have decided that today I must confess I don’t even come close to the title of “Harry Potter’s Most Dedicated Fan.”

It was sobering to discover I might not even compete with this gentleman, but I have come to terms with this discovery.

So how did I find the epitome of what it means to be a DEDICATED Harry Potter fan?


(Maniacal laughter slips from my lips.)
I am good at being creepy, and what else can you do when you have been standing in a ride’s line for over 30 minutes, and you haven’t even gotten into the castle yet?


So while staring at others in the maze of bodies, a tattoo caught my eye.
This is the perspective I had. (I know this picture looks like I took it without consent. Well, initially I didn’t – but then I think he figured out he had three girls staring hard at him and started a conversation with us. THEN I asked for his picture.)

Do you see it?!? It is a picture of Sirius Black in the poster, “Have you seen this wizard.”

Well staring at other people didn’t cover it anymore. He became the object of our attention for the next 45 minutes. (The line was long!)

Well when we did end up befriending him, (he was a very friendly bloke,) we discovered that this man had two COMPLETE tattoo sleeves (tattoos that cover the arms like sleeves) of only Harry Potter themed tattoos. He also had the Hogwarts crest on the back of one of his legs. He explained that it took over 118 hours to do during multiple sessions. He initially started with the dark mark, but continued with a full portrait of Harry Potter, Doby and another house elf. He also has the Hogwarts castle and each of the seven Horcruxes.

Simply amazing, unfortunately I am just not THAT dedicated.

I did tell this gentleman that he should win some sort of prize for all of that artwork permanently emblazoned on his body, because I am pretty sure not many people would go to the lengths that he did to always remember this wonderful world.

Epitome I tell you. Epitome.


Everyone has their preferences.

Hot vs. Cold

Pink vs. Blue

Even vs. Odd

Dogs vs. Cats

So what about Butterbeer vs. Pumpkin Juice?

Before my trip, I had never had the opportunity to try the drinks only found in a world I had dreamed of and wished to visit. I can tell you though, that I was more than slightly excited about the chance to taste them as soon as I arrived.

And what did I think?

Pumpkin Juice!

Much like apple cider, this drink had a dominant pumpkin flavor in addition to the apples and other spices tasted in each glorious sip.

Butterbeer was a very, very sweet carbonated butterscotch concoction with a thick cream layer on top. I could handle a few sips, but overall it was too sugary for me. I did like, however, the frozen butterbeer option (like a slushy) and they even had an alcoholic version too!

So maybe I would not be able to survive on the pitchers of butterbeer, but send a pitcher of pumpkin juice my way and I will be as happy as a clam!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Is.. is.. that a Death Eater's Wand??"

I loved Hogsmeade. .. and I feel that even this is an understatement.

While I was wandering through Hogsmeade I came across Olivander’s Wand Shop. I know what you are thinking, “What is a muggle going to do with a wand?”

Well I just might have some untapped magical abilities, you never know.

So I went in.

(Keep in mind I was wearing a Gryffindor t-shift to disguise my muggleness.)

Olivander’s shop was absolutely amazing. Now I don’t have very good perception of height, but if I were to guess, I would say his shop had 30 feet ceilings, with EVERY nook and cranny stuffed with wands.

Between you and me, thank goodness Olivander didn’t choose me to display the wand selection technique. I am afraid I would have been exposed for my true, non-magical self, and that would not have been very good. Can anyone say Azkaban?? (Especially since I did not bring the proof Harry had invited me!)

Here he is measuring the wand arm of one of Gryffindor’s students.

After some misfired spells, I was led into another room for my own wand selection. Mr. Olivander is a busy man and has “helpers” to aid him during the most hectic of times! I walked up to an available witch and she asked a few questions to best help me in my endeavors to find a wand. After the onslaught of inquiries, some of which I had to make up to hide my true identity, she opened a box and said, “I think this is the one for you, but you might not like it.”

This is a picture of the one I was shown. Take a look… (I am so not kidding about this one.)

I stepped back at the sight of the wand, and stuttered. “Is.. is… that a Death Eater’s Wand??” (Again, this is all completely true.) She responded with complete sincerity, “Well technically, no. This is the wand that fits your answers. So no, it is not a Death Eater’s wand… unless you are a Death Eater.”

Seeing this wand with all its skully glory filled me with shock, sadness, disappointment … I could keep going. A wand like this would be the last thing a Harry fan wants to see. And this had been the one selected for me?? Had it been because of my trickery for attempting to disguise myself as a witch? I just don’t know.

The wand witch watched as the emotions and internal dialogue flew across my face.

“Let’s take a look at some other ones. It appears that this one was not the wand you were looking for.”

After about 20 minutes later and holding and feeling MOST of the wands, I found myself the proud owner of a light weight, classic hawthorne wand. Nothing too fancy or too dark, I am proud of my new purchase. Here it is…

This is a picture of the three of us checking out Olivander’s public store.

Now, fit with a wand, I am ready to cast some hard core spells. If only the pups and the hubby would stop giving me weird looks every time I wave my wand.

The results will come, they’ll see.

More stories to come…

Monday, October 25, 2010

Just Apparated Back...

So I have kept a small, little secret.

Who am I kidding? I didn’t keep it – I practically told EVERYONE!


Okay, I have to admit, I am a muggle. Unfortunately my parents aren’t wizards nor did I get blessed with any powers. But – I am pretty close with Harry Potter. Because of this, Harry pulled some magical strings and low and behold I received an owl post inviting me to HIS WORLD! (Coincidentally my two friends received one too!)

I just apparated back today, so I am a bit tired, but I wanted to share a few pictures from our adventure. Too bad muggles can’t live there 24/7 or I think I would take up permanent residence at the Inn in The Three Broomsticks.

Stay tuned for more of our magical adventures… but here is a tiny peek for now…

Just Arrived!! (You can’t apparate right into Hogwarts, so I took the train the rest of the way)

Hogsmeade (It snows in Hogsmeade pretty much year round. Whether it's warm or cold outside.)

The Hogwarts Castle (Boy did we have fun in there!!)

Trying some Butterbeer for the VERY FIRST TIME!!! (At the Three Broomsticks)

We Support You Harry Potter!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Maybe I should have thought longer about this decision...

Had sooo much fun this weekend, but perhaps made some poor choices.

I am in the right side of this picture. Take a look.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Only One in the Room.


I love to write. It gives me the ability to get my imagination out of my head and onto paper. Many times, if you get me started on a day where I am feeling particularly keen, I could go on for awhile giving you an elaborate story stemming from one singular idea. And it’s not only my imagination; I like to write stories from life experiences. Some have told me that crazy things only happen to me. I disagree. I think crazy stories happen to everyone, it is just if and how you tell them.

Most importantly however, I like to write and tell stories for the enjoyment of others. I know how I feel when I get into a good story – I have read 400 page books in one day! I like the questions and inquiries about things I have written, the excitement in people’s eyes. When that excitement dims, however, I lose my “vigor” to write.

I have been in the process of writing a fanfiction story based from the Harry Potter series. I have been working on it for a year now and I felt that I had a good fan base. As I got closer and closer to the “turning point” of the story, I slowed up. Why? Because I was worried what my readers would think. I had kept them in the dark until this specific chapter, and I was worried on whether they would agree or simply be interested anymore. Well I didn’t give up. The chapter was physically hard, because I had to prove something that had not been in the books, but had to use the book to prove it. To make it seem credible. I finished the chapter and I was downright proud. I was so excited to see what others would feel about this BIG revelation. I submitted it to my fanfiction site that I post to in addition to putting it on my blog and waited. And waited some more. I received several “hits” otherwise known as people reading it… but no one had commented on it. I got no “It was horrible” or that “It was good.” Nothing. It was then that I didn’t even know if I wanted to finish the story. I had put work into 10 intricate chapters, and didn’t even know if I wanted to put effort in an ending.
That was two months ago.

I haven’t written since.

I was going to delete my story today on my fanfiction site, defeated. Taking one last look at my story, I noticed it had had 5,094 hits. Well at least I had hit the 5,000 mark. I did have two new comments, so I paused to read them…

“Another great chapter! Your plot is so great. I love this story and can't wait for your next update:)”

“This story is truly amazing. Everything ties together. This was definitely my favorite chapter. I don't understand why there aren't more reviews. Please update soon!”

I couldn’t bring myself to delete it. So maybe I don’t have the most popular story, but to these two people and maybe a bunch of unspoken others - they enjoyed it.

Someone even thought it was amazing.

I then remembered attending a book signing last Friday for an author whose work I truly enjoyed. I arrived early and sat in the very front row of approximately 50 chairs. I was so excited. Authors are celebrities to me. As the clock turned four, the staff ushered the author in and she sat down. I was full of smiles and she smiled back.

Looking around she smiled at the staff and simply stated , “Should I start?” Grabbing her book, she thanked us for being there and said she would answer any and all questions we had for her. That’s when I realized she kept looking straight at me. I loved it. I felt like I was the only one in the room! When she began reading an excerpt from the book, I looked around me and was startled. Out of those fifty chairs, there were only four of us. Four fans for an author that was a best-seller. I WAS practically the only one in the room.

This author could have decided not to come talk when she realized there would hardly be anyone there. But did she give up? No. Was she defeated? No. Yes, I was embarrassed for her, but I was also impressed. Throughout the whole meeting she held her head high (and answered about a dozen questions from me.)

So I realized that today I am going to finish this story whether I get reviews/comments or not. If two people love my writing, then that will be enough for me. Life is too valuable to quit when the going gets tough – even if it is a fanfiction story. You never know. Maybe you will see MY book on the New York Time’s Best Seller List one day.

Here is a picture of me and one of my favorite authors…

By the way, if you would like to read my story you can find it at

or on the Harry Potter FanFiction Site -

The Word "ON"

I came across this cute video a few days ago of Grover from Sesame Street teaching kiddies about the word “ON.” Slightly out of the age range for Sesame Street (only slightly, mind you), it is funny to see how the show adjusts to current popular cultural fads. This video has Grover impersonating the “Old Spice” commercial, “I am on a horse.”

Check it out!

(Grover’s Rendition)

(The Actual Old Spice Commercial)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Weddings... and Weird Faces

I would like to believe that I look and act normal at weddings. Happily smiling during my friends’ fairytale weddings is what SHOULD show up during impromptu/candid pictures.

So then why do I look like this??

Okay, so they caught me immediately “post – fall”

Justin’s wrist “smell worthy”?

My face has a mind of its own while I'm dancing…

Maybe so I can hear better?

Here are some other nontraditional pictures at a recent wedding I had SO MUCH FUN at …

Katie throwing her bouquet to her bridesmaids … which four out of the six are married. (I never had the opportunity to try to catch a bouquet before!!)

The guests’ reactions after I fell down the stairs. No angry mob riots here! (Made me feel better to see people laughing.)

Playing football… with many of the girls saying, “How close to you get to them?” “How is this supposed to work?” “This is awkward staring at them like this…”

Directions: Throw bouquet up and look at the camera …

Directions: (continued) … After the photographer takes the picture, CATCH your flowers…

Katie and the girls…

It was a “WOW” kind of day… Congrats Katie and Trey!!!

Many of these pictures were taken by the “Wedding Ninja." (The pictures from Katie and Trey's wedding)

You can view his work HERE.

Monday, October 4, 2010

October Excitement!!!

I have been so excited about fall and October… I can hardly contain it…

Last month my family spent a wonderful week in Maine. This month we will be/have…

Going to a REAL Corn Maze

(So, unlike last year, this maze had dead ends, multiple ways to go... sooo much fun. Girls team won though...)

Horse Back Riding for J’s Birthday

Meeting Hundreds of Authors at The Southern Book Festival … (including the author that wrote “Fallen” and “The Time Traveler’s Wife”)

Carving Pumpkins, making pumpkin muffins, and drinking apple cider!

Attending the Epsilon Omega of Kappa Delta’s Centennial Celebration

Girls’ trip to the Harry Potter Park in Orlando, Florida

and last but not least..... Throwing a Halloween Party

Now I just need this fall cold to go away... *cough* *cough*

Friday, October 1, 2010

D is for Disappointment... and Dentist

I felt the need to disappoint someone today. So I went to the dentist.

It is my fail safe method. If I haven’t disappointed a person in a while, I know I can rely on my dentist. Sometimes if I am super lucky, I can manage to have both the dentist and dental hygienist shake their head at me… then I get double the points!

It’s not any particular dentist, mind you. It’s all of them. I have never known what it was like to have perfect teeth – maybe they go easier on those people. No matter how much I brush, no matter how much I floss (I start flossing two weeks before my appointment so my gums don’t bleed – a sign of weakness) these people would not be happy. Take it easy on the poor girl, I am pretty sure plaque can be hereditary.

I had a dentist for several years that would spend hours on my teeth and he was never completely satisfied. He was nice enough, but those few years that I went to him scarred me for life. Okay, coming from a patient who chipped her front tooth slipping on a rock, getting hit in the face with a Frisbee …. and softball, I was probably seen as more of a challenge for him. But the months of having shots to numb the roots of my poor gimp tooth as he attempted to match one porcelain veneer to the rest of my teeth was pure torture. Serves me right for messing up my teeth.

So maybe I was setting myself up when I made my appointment for today. The dental hygienist walked me back and sat me down. She sits down next to me with my chart.

“When was the last time you had your teeth cleaned?” She asked me, pen in hand.

“Five years ago.”

She began writing and then stopped.

“What did you say? Five years? You sure?”

Here we go. What did she want me to say. “No, I am joking.” Now, that I think about it a little more… maybe she did think I was pulling one on her. Well serves her right, she should have taken a look at my mouth first.

I don’t mess with dentists.

I had to go to an emergency dentist after one of the times of cracking my front tooth and he did a temporary bonding job. After handing me the mirror to look at the finished work, I had a new significantly longer tooth. Maybe he thought it would give me some leeway when I chipped it again… or that it might give me an advantage on, say biting someone? I don’t know. But he was very offended when I pointed out to him. Goodness.

Whelp, after the five year comment and looking at me straight in the eyes for a whole five seconds, she went and got the doctor. Still didn’t even take a glance at my pearly whites.

So the doctor comes in and sits down. I look like I’ve already ruined his day. Guess he heard about the five years comment. I oblige when he tells me to open up.

“So it looks like you’ve had braces.”

I perk up, and nodded with my mouth wide open, drool seeping out of the corner of my mouth. He could tell!

“So what happened to your bottom teeth then?”

And there went all my self esteem as my balloon deflated. Yes, my bottom teeth are crooked. My wisdom teeth were impacted and it caused my teeth to buckle. I spent four long years in braces.

Knowing that it was simply a rhetorical question as he had his hands in my mouth… (pet peeve – please don’t ask questions until you can allow me to answer) … he continued…

“bet your parents weren’t too pleased after spending all that money.”

Slightly contemplating on biting this man, I frowned. If only I had kept my longer tooth. I wanted to fabricate a sob story that would make him swallow his words, and apologize… but I didn’t, because he was right. If I had been good at wearing my retainer, my teeth wouldn’t have ended up like this. (Sorry mom and dad.) If only I had a permanent retainer like my hubby has.

So quick as a bunny, he explains that because of my lack of dental care and some other reasons, he will need to get 18 separate x-rays instead of the 12. It won’t cost me anything but we will have to do the cleaning at a separate time. He removes his hands from my mouth and jets from the room without a single word from me.

With the events that followed, I am pretty sure my dentist was in cahoots with my dentist and orthodontist back in northern Kentucky. Because the only thing I could gather from the 18 x-rays was that all of them were disappointed in me and wanted me to pay… and you wonder why I didn’t go to the dentist in five years.

The dental hygienist came back in and took a look at my mouth.

“So it looks like you have a small mouth. I will try to take the x-rays as quickly as possible as the plastic pieces you have to bite on to are the large size, the patient across the hall is using the smaller ones.”
In other words…

“These plastic pieces are going to cut the inside of your mouth and make you gag each of the 18 times. I will try to take the x-rays fast but if you move even the slightest bit as I shield myself a half a mile away, I have to come back and reposition you.”

After wiping the tears from my eyes and almost losing my breakfast a half a dozen times, the dentist came back super cheery and told me that I don’t have any cavities… but my gums are infected and I need to have them flushed out and receive antibiotics. That could possibly explain the pain I was having, which I had surprisingly forgotten in the torturous hours sitting in the hot seat.

Seeing him so cheery though left me seething. He was still supposed to be disappointed, not happy. I will have to try harder at my cleaning appointment this Monday. Although I was told that I it was not going to be a pain-free procedure and they would have to numb me. Got to remember not to mess with dentists, I might need 18 more x-rays or something.

Grumble. I dislike dentists.

Hmm … Well now that I think about it, maybe I could get what David had the next time I go to the dentist… Perhaps I will have a better experience!
(See video below)

Pretty Pictures...

Maine is beautiful.