Sunday, March 20, 2011

Photoshop equals Orange

I made an amazing realization last night. Photoshop is pretty much like an orange.

Imagine you have never seen an orange before. While you are sitting at your table minding your own business, the fruit suddenly appears with an anonymous note stating that you were to try the orange and it would be not only edible but quite appetizing.

You take a bite and decide it was far from delectable.

Frustrated, you stare pointedly at the object. The note had said it was edible AND appetizing. You have yet to determine if it was edible, and so far it has not sparked your palate’s interest. But, maybe you should give the orange another try.

You roll the orange in your hand and take another bite. This time you are not frustrated as much as you are saddened. The object had come with such a raving review. How had you not seen it like others had? Figuring third time is the charm, you figure what the hell.

You take a bite in the same spot that had previously left you disappointed. Instead of retrieving the fiber-esque material, you encounter an explosion of citrusy flavor. Looking down at the fruit you realize that you can peel off the hard exterior, leaving only pure enjoyment. Okay, it had been frustrating at first – but with practice you can now always enjoy the orange.

I will admit, I am a perfectionist. I pick up things rather easy, yet Photoshop was not a stress-free battle. I realized that the program encompasses many aspects that perhaps I should only focus on one. Once mastery had taken place, then I could move on.

Take a look... I am quite proud of myself.

(Employment of pre downloaded actions, layers, magenetic lasso, and magic wand tool.)













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